

  • Women’s fragrances
  • Men’s fragrances
  • Oriental “oud” based fragrances
  • Scents for children
  • Natural perfumes

Offered to the gods in ancient times, perfume constitutes an essential means of seduction. Reserved to the elite for centuries, perfume became more accessible in the nineteenth century and nowadays it is used on a daily basis.

Our professional fragrance creators master modern formulation techniques developing original compounds for alcohol-based perfumery products. Fragrance briefs are managed by olfactory specialists who not only have technical knowledge about scents but who also have in-depth comprehension of world markets, including current and emerging trends.

Our creative teams anticipate those market trends but also draw on client’s specific values to develop the compositions that will sign their final products. The “green” movement is also at the heart of our concerns. In this context, our perfumers study and develop fragrances that meet 100% natural requirements.